Macedonia business registration services
Business formation in Macedonia Cost 600 €
Incorporating a LTD company in Macedonia with a standard share capital, Memorandum and Articles of Association the cost is 600 €. CNBusiness will prepare and fill in all the registration forms on your behalf. Your Business registration will be completed within 5 working days.
These are the services that we offer during the company registration in Macedonia :
- All legal documents to start trading and open a bank account
- Hard copy of certificate of incorporation
- Memorandum and Article of Association
- Free assistance - direct line for help
- Two bound copiesof your Article of Association
- Two bound copies of your Memorandum
- A printed share certificate for each subscriber
- All items will be sent by FedEx Courier, the same day as the company incorporation date
Additional Services
- Accountant
Services 50 €/month
- Legal Services 60 €/month
- Business office address 240 €/annual